Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Changes in blood pressure and heart rate after alcohol consumption were not the primary outcomes of interest in most of the included studies. We do not think participants were anticipating any significant influence on blood pressure or heart rate after drinking. We performed a systematic search of longitudinal studies in healthy adults that reported on the association between alcohol intake and blood pressure.

Yang 2017 published data only

If you quit altogether, you may be able to lower your blood pressure even more. “Adults above the age of 50 are at much higher risk of heart attack and stroke than they are of any possible harmful effects to light-moderate drinking,” Klatsky says. “So even if they have high blood pressure, they could see the health benefit from something like a glass of red wine a day.”

how does alcohol affect blood pressure

Alcohol Consumption and Total Stroke Incidence and Prevalence

how does alcohol affect blood pressure

We also calculated SD if 95% CI, P value, or t value was reported in the included studies, according to Chapter 7 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions (Higgins 2011). If we were not able to get SD from the study authors or calculate SD from the values mentioned above, we imputed SD using the following hierarchy (listed from highest to lowest) (Musini 2014). Two review authors (ST and CT) independently extracted data and assessed the quality of included studies. Mean difference (MD) from placebo with 95% confidence interval (CI) was the outcome measure, and a fixed‐effect model was used to combine effect sizes across studies. In addition to cutting back on alcohol, you can incorporate other lifestyle changes, such as regular exercise and stress management, to help lower your blood pressure. “This complex interplay leads to elevated blood pressure and subsequent hypertension,” Ramnauth said.


how does alcohol affect blood pressure

Many cellular events, such as intrinsic myocyte dysfunction, characterized by changes in calcium homeostasis and regulation and decreased myofilament sensitivity, can come about due to oxidative stress. Some investigators have suggested that drinking wine may offer more protection against CV disease because it contains polyphenols, such as resveratrol and flavonoids, which are micronutrients with antioxidant activity (Tangney and Rasmussen 2013). However, among studies designed to examine the influence of beverage type, no differences have been found in CV disease outcomes or biologic markers, such as HDL-c (Mukamal et al. 2003a; Volcik et al. 2008). Differential associations of CV risk with certain beverage types such as wine instead have been attributable to other lifestyle factors (e.g., increased physical activity) or drinking with meals (Malarcher et al. 2001). Overall, our review indicates that the relationship between alcohol intake and BP is almost linear with no evidence of a threshold for the association. Future research should assess the association in women and in different age groups, both of which are currently characterized by limited availability of relevant data.

how does alcohol affect blood pressure

And while enjoying celebratory spirits in moderation is alright for most people, it’s important to be aware you can fall victim to holiday heart syndrome if you overdo it. This is when overeating and overindulging in alcohol how does alcohol affect blood pressure lead to an irregular heartbeat. And sure, we’ve all had a night here or there where we’ve had one too many and we know it. But it’s important to make sure those nights of overindulgence are the exception and not the rule.

  • Although three studies did not report the method of randomisation (Barden 2013; Buckman 2015; Dai 2002), their reported baseline characteristics were well matched.
  • Data from isolated papillary and heart muscle cell (myocyte) experiments demonstrate that acute physiologic intoxicating doses of alcohol (80 mg% to 250 mg%) can have a negative inotropic effect (Danziger et al. 1991; Guarnieri and Lakatta 1990).
  • Connect with us on heart.org, Facebook, Twitter or by calling AHA-USA1.
  • After that, HR was still raised in participants, but it averaged 2.7 bpm.
  • Based on nine RCTs in which participants consumed alcohol repeatedly over days, these review authors reported that alcohol increases SBP by 2.7 mmHg and DBP by 1.4 mmHg.
  • Finally, we were able to make better informed public health inferences by restricting our analysis to cohort studies and focusing on the study of alcohol consumption in relatively healthy adults.